GST is the biggest tax reform in India, tremendously improving ease of doing business and increasing the taxpayer base in India by bringing in millions of small businesses in India. By abolishing and subsuming multiple taxes into a single system, tax complexities would be reduced while tax base is increased substantially. Under the new GST regime, all entities involved in buying or selling goods or providing services or both are required to register for GST. Entities without GST registration would not be allowed to collect GST from a customer or claim an input tax credit of GST paid and/or could be penalized. Further, registration under GST is mandatory once an entity crosses the minimum threshold turnover of starts a new business that is expected to cross the prescribed turnover
How Does GST Registration Work For You?
Any business offering sale of goods with annual turn over of 40 lacs or service with annual turn over of 20 lacs would require the registration for GST and have a valid GST Number.
Step 1
Secure GST
Identification Number.
Step 2
your own home.
Step 3
Step 1
Secure GST
Step 2
your own home.